I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live. (Deut. 30:19)
God has given us free will to make our own choices which impacts our life and future. There are only two choices, blessing which is life or cursing which leads to death. The choices we make in life and who we follow, decide what our outcome will be, but it is our choice. When we walk in disobedience to God’s ways and do not have a repentant heart, we shorten our lives. God gives no one disease or oppression, many times, it’s our choices that do that. When we choose to live in a known course of sin and do not repent, we open the door to the realm of the demonic. The demonic realm is attracted to sin and disobedience. Those forces cause us much heartache and grief in life such as mental anguish, pain and suffering.
Not all, but many diseases and mental disorders are results of unconfessed sin, generational curses and lack of repentance. Remember God said in His word that if we don’t forgive our brother, He won’t forgive us of our sins. God is serious about forgiveness because of the price Jesus paid to have our sins forgiven. We are empowered by God’s indwelling Spirit to walk in obedience to His ways.
When I chose to forgive my past abusers and those who hurt me, God healed my body of heart disease, liver disease, cancer, a stroke and many mental disorders that I was on medication for. He also set me free from a 20 year addiction to cocaine, methamphetamine and many other drugs. God doesn’t play games and neither should we. God is good, but His goodness can not be mistaken for ease of conscience when it comes to sin. We no longer have a sin consciousness because we are no longer living in the sin that we previously did. The way out of our past sinful ways is the power of Jesus. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and wisdom teaches us to stay away from sin and choose life.
God’s word tells us to be holy for God is holy. His word tells us to flee all youthful lusts. His word tells us to be separate from the world so that the world can see the light of Christ and be drawn to it. We are not saved by works , but if you have faith without works, then your faith is dead. James 2:24 says,” You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. Don’t only talk Christ, be Christ in all that you do and say. Choose life!
His mercy is ever present in your struggle. Trust Him and call upon His grace to free you from the bondage you are in and receive that freedom!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello