Your Redemption Draws Nigh

The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusted in Him and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise Him. The Lord is their strength and He is the saving refuge of His anointed. (Ps.28:7,8)

The Lord is for us to save us. Even when king David sinned and murdered and committed adultery, God still saved Him after he repented. God is not waiting to punish us for wrong done, He is always ready to restore and renew us. Yes there are consequences to our actions but even through that process, God shows Himself strong with love and compassion. God is our saving refuge.

When we have a repentant heart, God turns even our consequences into victories and triumphs. He takes us from death to life, sickness to health, sadness to joy and weakness to strength. This day if you feel down and out, break off that spirit of heaviness and rejoice because your breakthrough is coming, you are more valuable to God than you know. He rejoices and sings over you when you awake and when you sleep, He visits you. He is always thinking of you and ready to pour His blessings out upon you. Great blessings are running toward you from His throne room. 

No matter what challenge you are facing in your life, keep in mind that your home is in heaven. We are pilgrims passing through this earth and soon and very soon we are going to see the King! Look up my brothers and sisters for your redemption draws nigh!

The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello