And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Rev.12:11)
We have all that we need for our battles in this life. Jesus’ blood is our initiator. Because of His blood, we have our testimony, but it is up to us to put our word to it. So many times we are saved from sickness, death, bondage,depravity and we are ashamed to share what Christ has done for us. Pride stands strong, so our testimony sits and has no power. The strength of our testimony is the word we put to it! The shame associated with what God brought us from should be no longer, so it ought not keep us in bondage to secrecy. The psalmist says ” I will live and not die to declare the works of the Lord.” Declare His great works and put shame to death. It doesn’t take a special anointing to share your testimony, no matter what it is. It takes humility before the Lord and in due time He will exalt you.
There are groups of people that only you can reach because of what you have come out of. Every person has their own sphere of influence that can grab out of darkness the people predestined to know God. Make known what Jesus has delivered you from and demonstrate the power of the King of kings. He is mighty to save and His desire is that all would come to know Him. Use the word of your testimony to overcome!
The Teaching Ministry of Michael Cannatello