His Presence

La SardinaBe still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

How often this scripture is spoken to ease the concerns and pains we feel as we walk out this life journey. There is, however not only a need for this word in trouble, but also in times of joy. Sometimes when we are in a state of joy in our lives and everything is going well, we forget God. A mature aspect of our character includes the Lord in the good and bad times. There is no vacation place for God in our lives, He is constant always, and in all ways. Psalm 103:2 tells us,”Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things He does for me.”

Jesus is the Bread of Life, not an occasional piece of cake.

No matter how far a distance between us and our pain becomes, we need to always remember where God has brought us from. Remembering all His goodness builds faith for the next battle that we encounter. I have seen it in my own life concerning health issues. When God had healed me or saw me through one battle, shortly after there was another to fight. Many times I would get caught up in the battle to the point where I would forget that God healed me in the past. If he healed me so many times, why would He leave me now? We always need to remember the times He delivered us, saved us, freed us and healed us. 

It ought to be our desire to hear His voice in a loud and multi tasking world. Allow God to speak to your heart the things that concern not only you, but Him. Whatever you are facing, whatever you have need of, whatever is of concern to you, concerns Him for He loves you.

Be at peace in all trials, in all situations, whether they be joyful or sorrowful. How we obtain this peace is by trusting His word in our heart.

Be still and know that He is God in the quietness of His presence.

Pastor Michael Cannatello
