Pastor Michael answers the many questions we have concerning angels, such as; What are they and their reality; and does scripture support their appearance? Why were they created? What do angels do? What do they look like? And many more questions we have concerning God’s hosts. The second session is on demons. It explores their origin and the scriptural references to their existence, their intent, their hierarchy over people and places and things. How they are used by Satan, by men and by God for His purposes. The teaching also reviews our position in Christ and our authorities over the demonic realm and our spiritual offensive and defensive weapons.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Awaken From The Spirit Of Slumber” is about how the spirit of slumber is at work in the church today and exposing it’s goal is to keep Believers out of tune with God’s heart. When this spirit is not dealt with, it unleashes murder, suffering and chaos. It also allows genocide, holocaust, racism and hatred. The teaching will help bring you freedom and prepare you for the next great move of God!
The book of Ephesians teaching hits on a wide range of moral and ethical behaviors mentioned that are designed to ensure believers are living up to our heavenly calling. Paul made his purpose clear: he expected that this community of believers would walk in cadence with its heavenly calling (Ephesians 4:1), He divided his letter to the Ephesians into two clear segments; applying the truths of the first makes possible the actions and lifestyle of the second.
This in-depth series will bring you a deeper understanding of who Jesus is as our Redeemer through the story of Ruth, Naomi and Boas. The writings are a picture of the redemptive nature of Christ. This beautifully writen story stands as a ray of light showing the power of love between God and His people. It is a testimony of our loving, faithful and powerful Father God who has never failed to care and provide for His children.
Titus’ mentor, the Apostle Paul, wrote him a letter (Titus) and in it, he gave thorough instructions on pastoring a church. Paul realized that Titus needed guidance on choosing church leadership, and teaching sound, biblical doctrine. Paul’s focus was clear. Give Timothy some help in establishing good, solid Christian leaders in the church but Paul also wanted Titus, like Timothy, to make sure to stick to sound doctrine. The principles are still valid for today’s church.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Breaking The Shackles of Pride” is a powerful teaching about the spirit of pride and how dangerous this spiritual enemy truly is. It can attach itself to us in so many ways. As we go deeper in Jesus, we want to rid ourselves of anything that can hinder us from walking in everything that God has for us.
There are so many Christians who feel dirty, worthless and filled with shame. Because shame has them bound, they feel they are not worthy to approach God. Jesus took all our shame so that we can have a living and intimate relationship with the Father. Shame pushes away intimacy with God because it makes us feel distant from Him. Jesus broke the shackles of shame when he bore the shame of mankind once and for all at the cross.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties” teaches on soul ties and how they are established when two or more persons become bonded together in a relationship. There are good soul ties and bad soul ties. The biblical term most commonly used to explain this is knit or cleave. To “ knit” means to tie, to join together or to be bound up. To “cleave” means to fasten together, glue together, to cling, or to adhere to. This teaching will teach you how to be freed from ungodly soul ties so that you can be more effective in a greater way to serve God!
This teaching about cursed things that we wear or own can bring great freedom from unknown demonic influence. There are many items that we have in our houses and that we own that may have curses upon them. These curses cause sickness, poverty, a break down in relationships and many other negative things. When we have cursed items under our roof, they open a door to the demonic realm to cause havoc.
A deaf and dumb spirit is spoken in the Bible. Jesus dealt with this spirit in many people. The manifestation of this spirit could be physical deafness or trouble communicating or understanding. It also has spiritual attributes such as not being able to comprehend the things of God or closing off the mind of its host to all God has. This spirit in unclean and ushers in lack of discipline and a desire for the world. In this teaching this spirit is addressed and dealt with by the power of Jesus and His word. Receive freedom and embrace what Jesus has done for us through His cleansing blood!
The Bible calls depression the spirit of heaviness. The only lasting way to deal with the spirit of heaviness is through the power and authority of Jesus Christ, our Deliverer! God has equipped us with all that we need to overcome this disabling spirit that strangles the life out of those suffering from its grip.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Defeating the Spirit of Witchcraft” teaches on how the spirit of witchcraft operates through controlling peoples minds. God’s people have been in chains for generations because of the influence of this evil spirit. This spirit’s goal is to destroy your future, your present, your family and ministry. Receive understanding and full freedom through God’s delivering power!
The spirit of infirmity is at work in the church today. Its goal is to keep Believers from their God given callings and gifting and to steal the joy in life that Jesus promises. When this spirit is at work it unleashes pain, suffering, heartache and death. This spirit runs in family bloodlines and is also given access to a person’s life through the lying spirit, fear, trauma and curses. Our freedom begins with the understanding of how and where infirmity originates then it meets its defeat with the effective application of strategic prayer.
The spirit of death is a dangerous enemy. It can attach itself to us through prior involvement in occult activity or sexual sin or inheriting it through our family bloodlines. As we go deeper in Jesus and we want to rid ourselves of anything that can hinder us from walking in everything that God has for us. Its goal is to neutralize us so that our effect for God’s kingdom is lessened or neutralized. This spirit can manifest itself through chronic illness. We recognize this spirit by looking to the patterns of sickness and premature death in our family history.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Divorcing Ahab and Jezebel Spirits” teaches how Jezebel seeks to control, manipulate and destroy all it attaches itself to while Ahab desires to demote, emasculate and destroy the rightful position of authority we have in Christ through passivity, fear and stopping us from fulfilling our destinies. Come out to receive anointed teaching and be freed from these spirits.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Exposing Familiar Spirits” is a powerful teaching that will give you understanding on these spirit’s characteristics and how to evict these spirits from your lives and family bloodlines! Familiar spirits enter into family bloodlines and are inherited or let in through intentional or unintentional sin. Our heavenly Father desires that we understand how these spirits work so that we can recognize them and be freed from them hearing Him more clearly instead of hearing a counterfeit.
This is a significant study concerning basic foundational truths of the Bible. It will bring clarity on many biblical issues that the body of Christ is confused about. Topics include questions like: what is grace and what does God’s word say about it? Does the Holy Spirit convict believers of sin? Is salvation only believing in Jesus? What is sanctification? Does God judge sin? As believers should we ever judge others and many other topics.
This teaching includes deliverance guidelines and declarative prayers for deliverance to help remove anything that hinders us from doing all that God has called us to do.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Freedom From Fear” teaches how fear holds God’s people back and brings torment with it. This spirit could be inherited through family bloodlines or allowed into our lives through other open doors. The spirit of fear casts out faith and causes those who have it to walk in failure. God has not given you this spirit, so why keep it? Listen to this teaching and be freed from fear once and for all in Jesus’ name!
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Freedom from Insecurity” deals with insecurity and brings healing through obtaining understanding of where insecurity came into our lives and how to evict it. This is a powerful and exciting freedom teaching to get closer to Jesus!
This session discusses how we may use our spiritual authority to prevent the tormenting spirits from dominating our mind and emotions and body and then further to call in blessings to replace demonic attacks by way of effective prayers and declarations of God’s word.
This teaching gives scriptural and historical background information on the origins of our generational curses and negative family patterns that bind us. Armed with this understanding we can then voice effective prayers for ourselves and family members to break off the harmful and destructive hereditary effects that hinder our lives including addictions, sickness, disease, anger, murder, lust, perversion, etc.
Throughout life we will experience difficulties, however some of us experience deep trauma that alters our life in a negative way. When we fail to realize the effects of trauma on our life and how it alters our perspective, we don’t seek God for healing and then view life out of the lens of wounds rather than truth.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Healing Past Wounds” teaches how past wounds can keep us captive and stop us from walking in the fullness of our calling in life. The Holy Spirit wants to heal, bind up and make new that which is broken in all our lives so that we can do what God wants us to do and be at peace in our inner man. If you are dealing with pain from abuse, addictions, childhood trauma or any other hurt that life has dealt you, get ready to be healed and walk in freedom!
Jesus purchased our healing at the cross but as Christians we don’t see the results of this in our lives. Why are we as the body of Christ not sharing in this victory? Discover the clues necessary for our healing through the word of God to change your mind-set and replace your unbelief so that healing can come to fruition. This powerful teaching and declarative prayer on this recording can help finish the healing process in our lives.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Overcoming Rejection” shows how God wants us freed from the spirit of rejection and healed of wounds that rejection attracts. This teaching provides an understanding on how rejection works, what it uses to protect itself, and what needs to be done to overcome it. Expect healing and freedom to walk out your destiny that God has planned for your life.
Liberation from the Selfish Spirit is God’s heart for us. Many of us are caught up with our own needs, wants and desires to the point that we lose our effectiveness as Christian witnesses. Pastor Michael provides a scriptural mirror to help us identify the signs of this spirit operating in us and then an outline of declarative prayer steps necessary for our freedom.
Are you dealing with fear, rejection, abandonment, addictions, low self-esteem, over eating, or any issue that you just can’t seem to overcome? Strongholds to our freedom are built up over time in our mind. They keep us from doing God’s will and living the abundant life. We have been given all authority in Christ Jesus and His power to dismantle these walls through God’s word! This teaching describes in detail how these strongholds are set up and what Satan uses to keep them up then walks you through declarative prayer process to pull down every wall that has been erected.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Release From A Religious Spirit” teaches about religious spirits and how they come to steal power, kill the truth and paralyze a person’s growth in the Lord. Learn how to discern this evil spirit, how it covers itself up and how to be freed from its powerful grip of deceit. This teaching will thrust you forward and free you to walk in the power that God’s word tells us about.
The spirit of bondage keeps people in spiritual chains. This bondage can be addictions of any type such as drugs, food, sex, pornography, etc. The spirit of bondage also manifests in areas of self-control. The spirit of bondage keeps many away from their true calling in Christ Jesus. Jesus took care of sin and He made it possible for all who trust in Him to live a life of triumphant victory.
Our heavenly Father desires that we learn to recognize this spirit and then be freed from it. This teaching unwraps the emotional connection to anger verses the spirit of anger and how they can at times work together. Pastor Michael’s insights also help us identify the source of our anger and the characteristics of the spirit of anger providing the listener with solid solutions to freedom from this stronghold.
This is one of the nineteen root spirits identified in scripture and it applies to men as well as women. God first speaks of this spirit when he describes the nation of Israel as it moved in to spiritual immorality and adultery and prostitution. Pastor Michael bridges the message to the current day Christian church; who like Israel has accepted false doctrine and idol worship.
The spirit of jealousy is at work in the church today. It’s goal is to keep believers out of tune with God’s heart. When this spirit is at work it unleashes discord, strife, physical suffering and chaos. It also opens the door to relational breakdowns, loneliness and hatred. This spirit runs in family bloodlines and is also given access to a person’s life through personal choice and trauma. The teaching exposes the face of this spirit and its attachment to our flesh.
This teaching and prayer session will expose the tactics and mind games that the poverty spirit plays to chain up God’s people. Once we realize who we are in Christ and understand what He purchased and promised us, we can start to dismantle the attachment of that the spirit and curse of poverty it has over us. With effective declarative prayer we will be declaring DEBT CANCELLATION the spirit and the curse.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Spiritual Battlefields” shows how Spiritual battlefields are present in our lives as Believers. We are in a war against the darkness of this world. The good news is that Jesus has won the war and He has empowered His people to enforce that victory. This teaching will bring you to a new level of living in your life and empower you to be able to win the battles that we face day to day. Listen to this teaching with excitement, knowing that our King lives and gives us the victory to be more than an over comer through His Spirit!
The ministry was named after the story of Lazarus because of God’s redeeming nature that can literally bring us back to life from the dead. This teaching is a complete scriptural study of the story of Lazarus who was a close friend to Jesus. We learn about the life and relations of Lazarus and then why Jesus waited until day 4 before he called Lazarus out of the tomb.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “The Web of Abandonment” teaches how this spirit has affected most Believers. When we carry this spirit as well as the wounds that it causes, it sets us up for heartache and a life that never reaches its God given destiny. Pastor Michael has exposed the spirit of abandonment out of his own experience through shining light on the signs and symptoms that are attached to this devastating spirit.
Pastor Michael’s teaching on “Understanding Forgiveness” shows when we have not truly forgiven, we give the enemy access to our health and well-being in may ways. Through God’s word, Pastor Michael teaches how to bring the light of Jesus into every area of your heart, mind and soul, letting the Lord expose any darkness and forgiveness. Believe to receive a fresh understanding of forgiveness and how forgiven you truly are through the precious blood of Jesus Christ!
This teaching is an encouraging word for so many of us that have been waiting for the word of the Lord to come to pass over our lives. It will demonstrate through God’s word what we are to do during that waiting time and reaffirms us through His promises found in God’s scripture.
This session is an in-depth study of the year of Jubilee and how it is relevant to Jew as well as the Christian. It reveals how the seasons of the Lord are important for us to understand because they are like rebooting our computers; we learn how the appointed times are where God releases his blessings and heaven really comes closer to the earth.