Category Archives: Daily Bread

The Fig Tree

Though the fig tree fail to blossom and no fruit be on the vine and the field yield no food, I will praise Thee Lord divine. (Habakkuk 3:17)

Satan knows he has but a short time and he is assembling his best to try to destroy God’s chosen. One of the greatest weapons we have against Satan is
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He Will Instruct You

I will instruct you on the way you should go, I will guide you with my eyes. (Psalm 32:8)

When I first started my ministry, I was instructed by a word from the Lord. He did not give me the whole plan of how the ministry would develop or how it was going to unfold. The
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Bankrupt The Enemy

Yet when he is found, he must return it seven fold, he may have to give up all the substance of his house. (Proverbs 6:31)

When we realize all that Satan has stolen from us and when we are set free from the curses and bondage that have held us, we have the right to demand back what was stolen from us
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Reach Out, Not In

If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noon day. The Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of
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Finish The Race

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

There are many times in life that we hear a whisper in our ears that says,”just give up.” That whisper is         the enemy of our souls. Satan desires that we throw in the towel
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High Above All Nations

The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens. (Psalm 113:4)

With all that is going on in the world and the nations, we are assured that God is in control and He is high above it all. We can have the peace of mind to know that our God reigns. We need
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The Fear Of The Lord

The fear of the Lord leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction. He will not be visited with evil. (Proverbs 19:23)

The church today is suffering from spiritual malnutrition due to their diet of a sugar coated gospel and cotton candy filled religion. Sin is still an issue if one continues to
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He Calls Us Friends

To release those appointed to death.(Psalm 102:20)


Before we followed Jesus, we were under the power of Satan. The bible tells us that we were children of the devil. No matter how good we may have been, if we did not know Jesus, we were His enemy. Pretty amazing to think that Jesus left the ivory
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How Great Is Our God

For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds. (Psalm 7:9)

Would a good teacher not test their students on what they had learned? Our God tests our hearts and minds for our own good and the good of His kingdom. God has given us His indwelling Spirit to be our Teacher so we have all we
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Set Apart

But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is godly. (Psalm 4:3)

God has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness. We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a peculiar people. How exciting it is to be living in such a time as this. This
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Wait Patiently

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and He heard my cry. (Psalms 27:14, 40:1)

There are many of God’s people waiting on Him for positioning, for a miracle, for a healing, for deliverance,
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He Preserves Me

The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.(Psalm 121:7)

It’s all about furthering God’s kingdom. We are preserved from evil to further His kingdom and to share of God’s great mercy and love. His wonderful grace and healing power has been shown to us because He cares. When God has done something in your
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Diplomacy or Truth?

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”( John 8:32)

In this day and age that we live, we have been brainwashed into making sure that no one is offended. We are taught that the feelings of people are more important than the truth. To hear the truth concerning ourselves is
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Fly Free

Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers, the snare is broken, and we have escaped. (Psalm 124:7)

To escape the snare of the fowler is to be set free from the traps that Satan has put out for us to be caught. I had lived in the snare of the
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With Your Sword

Arise O Lord. Confront him, cast him down. Deliver my life from the wicked with Your sword. (Psalm 17:13)

When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord lifts up a standard against him. God confronts the enemy to cast him down when he tries to destroy God’s people. What we need to do is not give
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